Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation with Rishi Vidyadhar Ji - Day 2

God will not take your problem(s) away. He or she or it will only help you tackle it. 
Otherwise Krishna would have told Arjuna - dude you chill, I will take care of the stuff ;) 

Why should one do Aasanas? 
Ashnas help us to kill Tamas (which is responsible for thoughts of past and future) and Rajas (which is responsible for thoughts of past and future in some degree and of present in some degree) 

Doing exercise with music helps in using both the brain hemispheres. 

Emotions associated with past and future 
5 emotions when mind goes to past: 
  1. Ego 
  2. Attachment 
  3. Anger 
  4. Regret 
  5. Hatred 
First rob away our happiness and then health. 

5 emotions when mind goes to future: 
  1. Greed 
  2. Fear 
  3. Jealousy 
  4. Lust 
  5. Inertia (or insensitivity - happens when mind is obsessed with money, fame, power or progeny; people can go to any extent for these four) 
Robs away first happiness and then our health. 

And each of these are responsible for some chemical reaction in our body, which over time leads to disease(s). 
Only way to bring mind to present moment is having some discipline of mind. 

Consciousness, its states and layers 
Consciousness or mind has four layers and four stages. Layers are subtler than stages. 

Total Alertness state: It is connected to conscious layer of mind or simply the mind where all the unfulfilled desires (whether valid or invalid) are stored. If we don't clear this stuff from our consciousness, we remain restlessness and may further lead to insomnia or sleeping disorders. 

Sleeping state: State of total rest but no awareness. This is connected to unconscious mind or the intellect. Here we have 50% impression of this birth and rest 50% of the immediate past birth. 
  • Everyone of us has some habits (doing something or not doing something)  If we keep indulging in it we get bored and if don't get to do it, we get disappointed. And both are not good. 
  • And 50% habits will be of your own and rest 50% will be of your parents (when your energy level match the energy level of parents, you come to this world through your parents). 

Dreaming state: State of neither total rest nor total alertness. This is connected to subconscious mind. Subconscious layer is your memory where you have impressions of all the births that you have taken. We have taken birth in 8.4 million species and the total life span has been 1.19 billion years. 

State of Total Alertness and Total rest: State of mind where you have total rest and total alertness. Here every negative thought is ventilated. And once you ventilate all the negative stuff, what remains is positivity. This is connected to super  conscious mind or the higher state of consciousness. Here either you will have no thoughts or you will be witness to all the thoughts. This is the source of infinite energy. 

Why should you practice Sahaj twice daily 
One should do Sahaj twice - once in morning (to become more intuitive & creative at work for the rest of the day) and once in the evening (to have contentment and gratitude in life). You are blessing yourself by doing Sahaj twice a day. 

Your impressions govern your life. Your mind, intellect, memory is governing your life. You are slave of your conscious, unconscious and subconscious mind. Your future is very bright provided you erase your past. Otherwise you will remain same after 10 years as you are today. 

The more you hold on to your past, the more trouble you invite in your life. That's why you smile 400 times when you are a kid (no past) and then when you grow you smile only 17 times that too for reasons (because of sensory pleasures) and if you don't delete anything of the past, you grow into a state where neither you smile nor you let others smile). 

Qualities essential to be successful: 
6 qualities that are essential for anyone to be successful: 
  1. Sham (focus of mind) 
  2. Dam (say over your mind) 
  3. Titiksha (forbearance in life; centeredness in all states) 
  4. Uprati (never dieing enthusiasm) 
  5. Shradha (faith - in yourself in others around you) 
  6. Samadhan (anyone coming to your presence after leaving you should feel your absence; anyone coming to your presence will feel lighter and burden less - this happens when your memory is free from impressions). 

With meditation, all these six qualities start manifest in life. 

1 comment:

Ritu said...

The other S's are:

Sri Sri Yoga
Sudarshan Kriya

Though, I am not very sure about Sudarshan Kriya since it is a part of sadhna...