Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation with Rishi Vidyadhar Ji - Day 1

Sahaj Samadhi remains one of the sweetest courses of the Art of Living. I love to repeat Sahaj Samadhi course  because it acts as a recharge for my Sahaj Samadhi practice. I was fortunate to attend Day 1 of Sahaj Samadhi yesterday with Rishi Vidyadhar Ji. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to meet Rishi ji, know that he is an epitome of wisdom.

Below is what I could capture from his session yesterday.

Day 1: Sahaj Samadhi with Rishi Vidyadhar Ji
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What is stress? 
The difference between reality and your perception. To the amount the perception varies from reality, someone is stressed.  Reality is something that can not be changed but perception can be changed. 

There is something in us that doesn't allow us to be free and natural 24 X 7 - these are the impressions of the past. These impressions bound us to the past.  

Ignorance of humanity 

The ignorance in humanity is that we are trying to improve our future without dropping the past. Our past is holding us and until we drop it we can not be happy. Money can give us all the comforts but only dropping our past can give us happiness. Comfort is at physical level but happiness is at the level of mind. To be comfortable you need to put effort but to be happy you have to be effortless. 

Samadhi is a delicate balance of total rest and total awareness. 

Hemispheres of brain 

Left hemisphere - responsible for alertness. 
Right hemisphere - responsible for rest. 
At a given point of time only one hemisphere is used which is basically imbalance. Samadhi is basically striking the balance. 

Following things happen when someone uses one of the hemisphere more than the other one: 
Left - attitude of 'I am right', leads to offence. 
Right - attitude of 'I am not wrong' leads to defence. 

Free from both of above - you become  peaceful. 

Left - always think of someone else as reason of your problems. They often complain. They seldom praise. 
Right - see themselves as the reason for others' problem. They don't mingle. They remain aloof. 

Free from both of above - you experience love. 

Left - feel insulted & victimized 
Right - feel guilty 

Free from both of above - you are joyful. 

Left - intolerant & jealous 
Right - impatient 

Free from both of above - you are content. 

Any secret (whether good or bad) keeps your sub conscious mind alert. Once your sub conscious mind knows that other than you someone knows your secret, it looses its power. 

Beej Mantra 
Usually a Mantra has a specific purpose. But 'Beej' Mantras have infinite possibilities. So if you google the meaning of your Mantra, you are limiting the benefits of your mantra to what you are reading and hence telling your subconscious mind. 

There are 3 things required to reach a place (say you want to Bangalore).  
Instrument such as a car 
Driver  (or knowledge of using the instrument) 

Similarly to reach state of Samadhi, we require 3 things. 
Mantra  (instrument) 
Knowledge of using the mantra (driver)  
Grace  (fuel) 


KiranKumarReddy Digavinti said...

I enjoyed the first day a lot :) Rishi ji is really an epitome of wisdom. Just looking into his eyes when he was giving me mantra was amazing :)

Nimish Inamdar said...

Loved it... Very well captured