Friday, April 27, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 14

    The Ultimate Truth

    • Time has three dimensions: past, present and future; so is the truth. What was true yesterday is not true today; what is true today may not be true tomorrow.
    • Similarly three states of our consciousness waking, sleeping and dreaming. (Fourth is aware and resting without any action i.e. meditative, Fifth is cosmic consciousness when we are aware and resting during all the actions)
    • Only one thing which is in all the three dimensions is love. Love makes past feel present. So the essence of past is love.
    • Don’t crave for attention. Attention can not bring love so don't do show off.
    • Love makes you feel complete though love is not complete in itself, love is infinite.
    • Of all the truth in all three dimensions, love alone is supreme.
    • If you can't feel oneness with this creation, that life is of no use. Love alone is the juice of life. Life moves towards love.
    • Your source is love, goal is love and the path is also love..all three dimension
    • What do be require to be on this path: Knowledge, action and devotion
    • Love is not just an emotion; it is our very existence, our very nature.
    • And by nature we all our 'great'.
    • For love there is no comparison.
    • Though divine love is only 'one' it manifests in 11 different forms/types.
      • First (Guna sakti): Expression of divine love is singing the glory, talking of wonderful qualities of divine. Just remembering the qualities uplifts us. Praising is not done to make them happy, praising uplifts us. We develop the same qualities with in us. Love knows no 'buts' and 'ifs'.
      • Second (Rupa sakti): Taking interest in the forms of divinity. Seeing HIM in all the forms. Every form in this universe reminds us of divinity. Form captivates us. It arrests us. We can relate with form but we can't relate with formless. That's why ancient rishis in Hindu tradition created as many forms. You chose what ever you want but see that in all other forms. The universe is filled with forms. And every form reminds us of our beloved, divine. When we adore the form, lust disappears. Lust is getting stuck to something. Think of divine in every part. Each part of body is sacred. We won't be aggressive when we adore all the forms on this universe. This will make us honour all the things.
      • Third (Puja sakti): Puja. Puja means something born out of fullness. When you are so full, anything you do is puja. Replica of doing anything out of full gratitude is puja. Aarti means the total ecstasy. 'rati' means pleasure. Aarti signifies: Let no darkness around you. Let this light of me circle around you.
      • Fourth (Samarna sakti): Remember. Remembering someone also kindles love. Memorizing the divine. Memory that is spontaneous.
      • Fifth (Dasya sakti): Wanting to serve. Wanting to be servant of divine an instrument of divine. Love manifests as a desire to serve. There is difference between slave and servant. Slave is out of compulsion where as servant is someone who out of love wants to be part of master. Spiritual path can not make you slave but it can propel you on the path to do the service towards all. Willingness to serve. And this willingness comes out of love not out of some want, desire.
      • Sixth (Sakhya sakti): To be friend of the divine. Seeing God as your close friend. Someone whom you can fight with, you can share with, you can complain to. Treating the divine as your friend.
      • Seventh (Vatsalya sakti): - Mode of love in which you see God as a child. treating God as your own child. Divinity is born out of humanity because first man wakes up and then man awakes divinity. So treat divinity as if it is born out of you; as if your own child.
      • Eight (Kantya sakti): Making divine as your valentine. As if you are married to divine. How you care for your valentine. The spirit is male and the matter is female.
      • Ninth (Aatma nivedana sakti): Dissolving the self in divine. Dissolving the self 'I' in the universal 'I'. My self is all YOURS, what usually happen in meditation. Offering the self, feeling the self. Individual self 'I' dissolving in the whole universe.
      • Tenth (Tanmaya sakti): Seeing the universal 'I', in individual 'I'. Seeing whole universe in yourself. one drop of water has all the characteristics of ocean. Capturing the Sun in a mirror. (Opposite to the above form of manifestation).
      • Eleventh (Param virah sakti): Extreme longing, unbearable longing for divine. Crying for divine. 'Misery' out of longing for divine. 'Intense craving' for truth/ divine is also expression of love.
    • Those who are fearless of others reactions, those who have unanimous opinion, the masters/teachers of devotion, those who profess love are the true sages.
    • Intellect analyses but heart only synthesizes. Love joins all the fragmented pieces. It makes you whole.
    • Teachers of devotion may have different opinion but people on the path of love have one devotion. Words may vary but the essence is same.
    • He who believes and have faith in these sutras of Nardas (Narda has been an instrument for this) and which have come from Shiva, gets the love of God, attains his objective, attains his beloved God. One who understands these sutra is bound to rise. It is voice of your soul, call of your soul, language of your soul. You will rise in your life.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 13

    Dwell in the Divine

    • Lot of time is wasted in seeking pleasure, brooding over problems, being feverish or thinking about profit that we might get.
    • You can not use breath, breath uses you; you can not use love, love uses you.
    • People always think in terms of gains - what will I gain out of it.
    • All that you desire to accumulate, and all that you accumulate how much can you enjoy? You die and leave that for your progeny. And then your kids fight over it.
    • You miss divine love if all the time you are lost in the calculation - what will I get, how much will I get? Don't calculate.
    • Similarly pleasure - how much pleasure can you experience? Similarly misery - if you always keep on thinking why did he do this to me,
    • Narda says: Drop this craving for pleasure and brooding over pain. Life is mixture of pleasure and pain. They come and go. Similarly desires come and go. Gain happens, loss happens - it is all natural.
    • Till the time divine love dwells in you - wait (but don't waste). Don't waste any moment, just wait. Have patience.
    • When there is no love, these things (cravings, feverishness) floods our mind; when there is love we are always lost in gaining something; this keeps our mind occupied. This doesn't let you rest.
    • When you put down yourself you become aggressive and violence; untruth happen and you do things that you regret.
    • Narda says: Ashimsa (nonviolence) has to be cultivated and practiced. Aggression comes, watch and let go. Don't react. Act but don't react. Reaction becomes regret but action becomes fulfillment. Make ashimsa be ingrained in your consciousness, your behavior and your character.
    • Non-violence, truth, cleanliness and compassion - all these are there inside you. Don't think you don't have these and that you have to cultivate it. You have to just know that you are ocean of all these virtues. You assume that you are already that.
    • If you are not compassionate, it is due to stress not due to you. Just do some pranayama, meditate and you will be calm
    • Though there are not rules in love, it is good to have some rules so that we can allow the love to express fully in the life:
    • Ashtikya (belief / faith)
    • A believer is one who acknowledge his ignorance. He believe that there is lot to know but I don't know. And atheist thinks that he knows everything which is not possible. Have a faith that there is a little that you know. There is some power, an intelligence behind this universe. Recognition of existence of super power is sufficient enough to have that belief. One who thinks he knows everything, he is like a rock. But a person who thinks he doesn’t know everything, is alive, light.
    • Ignorance makes you light and the knowledge of ignorance makes you even more light.
    • Worry happens in the head; feeling develop in the heart. When you worry feelings are dead and when you are feeling there is no feelings. But feelings is still better than worry.
    • Feelings come and go; every few moments your feeling keep changing from happy to sad to happy to again miserable and so on.
    • Love is not the subject of head; love is not that you think, conquer through head or intellect. Intellect can just pave the way for love.
    • In all the feelings and emotions, dwell in the divine. Share everything with God. Happiness, joy, misery share everything with God. In every feeling, emotion feel that you are sharing with divine, feel that connection with God. There is no way out. There is nothing out side of divine. At all times in all different feelings and emotions, keep sharing the truth and love of the divine - without worrying. You can come out of worry if you involve your self in feelings but you can not come out of feeling if you don't share it with divine.
    • Even in misery cry for God; know that he is your companion both in pleasure as well as in misery. When you are happy you be grateful and when you are in misery cry for divine.
    • It is worth keep swinging in emotion that keep you alive than sit and worrying; so cry for divine, sing for divine.
    • With that intense feeling when you cry or sing for divine you will experience that serenity, peace in you. With intense feeling you can feel HIS presence. You don't need words to communicate with divine. You can only communion (merge) with divine but can not communicate.
    • And that communion is what is called samadhi.
    • Prayer is asking god for something; meditation is telling ok I am here you tell me. Prayer is asking, meditation is listening; prayer is first step, meditation is second step.
    • When you cry out with heart or sing, very quickly you experience HIS presence. Singing is like churning of soul. Singing alleviate. But one who is a lot in intellect, can not enjoy music. It takes time for them to enjoy it. But they should at least know that it is happening.
    • When you cry for divine, sing for divine, soon HE makes HIS presence felt to the devotees who love HIM.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 12

    Love Knows No Boundaries

    • If there is one thing that you can give to everyone equally, what is that? It can't be food, it can not be knowledge, it can not be language, you can not have same culture everywhere. One thing can not work every where. If there is anything that every one can have same - it is divine love.
    • Love transcends all boundaries.
    • To blossom in divine love there is no distinction of caste, colour or race. Everywhere the same love can shine.
    • For everything you need some qualification but for love you don't need any qualification.
    • Divine love can shine in anyone; whether you are beautiful or ugly.
    • To be a realized person or devotee you don't need any qualification. What one does is immaterial; how wealthy you are, is immaterial; where you are coming from; how beautiful is one is immaterial - divine love can shine anywhere. Sainthood, devotion can dawn in anybody.
    • They are of same nature. Like air doesn't say that he is fool I won't go in his nose so does the saint because he is of the nature of divine. He is of his own nature. And the nature of divine is - unconditional love, unconditional joy, unfathomable.
    • Ways of nature are mysterious, unfathomable. You can not understand it. Don't try to understand. When you are hollow and empty the divine shines though you. As ways of nature are mysterious so are the ways of saints. You don't know the ways of saints. Things work in altogether different plane.
    • What can be predicted is logic and something that is beyond logic is unpredictable.
    • Narda says: don't depend on logic; what appears to be, is not what it is. This creation is so mysterious. Logic can take is from anywhere to anywhere. Logic is just a small portion of our existence. And this universe is so vast. You cannot fit in universe
    • Don not see love though logic. What kills love is - arguments. Argument turns into fight. Argument means disagreement love means no disagreement. Argument means 'no', love is 'yes' mind.
    • Through argument you can not make people change their feelings. You have never changed feelings (for good) with argument. Through demand you can not make people love you. And that is what people do - we start demanding. You better love me. And that is the beginning of arguments. With whom you would like to be - someone whose love you take for granted and move ahead or some
    • Certain things you should take for granted - love is one such things. Take for granted that the other person loves you. Suppose you find that some one doesn't love you as much as they used to be, don't demand or argue. Just be with them and tell them oh I know that you love me so much. This will comfort the other person. Do not demand from anybody to prove their love for you.
    • Why should anybody love you? Because you give comfort to them. But if you demand, will anybody be comfortable. So generally in this world when someone starts demanding,. In world people love you because you give them comfort. If you demand, ask for proof or complain - are you giving comfort.
    • People demand love for their own comfort but its your giving comfort to others that brings love to you.
    • From your side when you give comfort to others, you get love. And you get that strength when you go deep within.
    • Contentment and taking for granted that everyone loves you, will put you at ease with self and when you are at ease with your self everybody will start showering love on you.
    • Actions, words cannot prove love. They are not dependable because both actions and words are based on logic.
    • One in divine love doesn't depend on logic, doesn't depend on argument.
    • Listen to those knowledge and scriptures that talk of love and follow their instructions. And any activity that can kindle love in you, just do it.
    • If a simple gesture or action can bring comfort to others, just do it. Simple acts of kindness can keep the love alive. You need to express at times because everybody doesn't understand it. You don't demand but express.
    • Read about the life of saints. Understand how saints went through a particular situation. Put yourself in their position and learn. This opens a new avenue.
    • Listen to these Narda Bhakti Sutras again and again. With repetition knowledge soaks in mind. Similarly the acts of kindness - keep doing time and again.
    • Our nature should be of kindness; there should no be any effort in it. It should be effortless. If your nature is of kindness everyone will love your company.
    • Feelings are what matter; not the actions or the words. Take this thing for granted that there is love in everybody.
    • Whatever you offer with feelings, gratitude, faith - it will reach HIM (tea bag story…:)).
    • Don't be bothered about small silly thing in your dealings with people; in relations. That is the way to blossom in divine love.

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 11 (Part 2)

    Love: A Hidden Secret

    • You can hide thoughts, it is not difficult. You can hide feelings also, though it is a little more difficult from  hiding thoughts. Feelings are a little hard to hide.
    • You look in eyes and you can find out what is there. Feelings are subtler than thoughts and finer than the feelings is thought. Love is almost impossible to hide. And the more you hide the more is shows up.
    • The love that is hidden, shows up in so many ways. Your very presence ooze the love but strange thing is that you can not express it fully. So you can neither hide it nor express it.
    • Narda says: one who attains the divine love, throat chokes and the hair stands (goose bumps) and they are unable to speak properly because love can not be expressed in words; they blabber. And this blabber is not coming out of nervousness but out of the inability to express that being. This is the sign of that love.
    • You will find enough of those who blabber but fewer are those who shed tears of gratitude, out of love. They are light houses. They are the purifiers for this planets; they purify their family, society, this earth.
    • Don't think only negativity spreads; love also spreads. When you meditate you purify the whole atmosphere.
    • Such moments of gratitude are blessing for this planet; such moments are
    • Only through deep moments of gratitude you can over come the pollution due to negative emotions.
    • When you talk, sing in the glory of the divine and when tears of gratitude rolls down your cheeks that when you have lived your life. Those moments purify your family, friends the whole environment.
    • And where such people stay, they make it a pilgrimage. The place becomes divine, holly. The place by itself doesn't have any value,
    • There are two kinds of people:
      • One who get value by the things they possess
      • One who give value to the things
    • And one those who give value to the things are one who have lived the life.
    • Similarly what you say is not important but with what state of being you are saying is important. What is said is immaterial but what is said is important.
    • Even the scolding from a wise person, a devotee is invaluable and any amount of praise from wicked person has no value
    • Words, actions get the value through the speaker/actor.
    • The words that don't carry feeling along, will have very little impact and value. It is like intellectual gymnastics.
    • But four lines from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu transformed the lives. Jesus told I have come to fulfill the scripture. You life is scripture, you only have to kindle the love that you are.
    • When love ignites your life becomes scripture. You life is holly book, it is scripture and key is divine love.
    • Life is expression of inexpressible.
    • A devotee is full of HIM. Every cell is full of HIM.
    • The ancestors enjoy his company. The one who is filled with love, who shed the tears of gratitude, his ancestors enjoy. Ancestors dance in ecstasy and world finds the lord.
    • Some people say they don't have any experience when they meditate. When you meditate, for some time the portion of your practices is going to your ancestors, fore fathers. They are drawing it. It is like clearing debt. Those ancestors, that energy and angels rejoice. When you meditate just remember that you are not doing this for your self; you are doing it for this world as well as for the world is unseen. Who ever comes close to you they will feel comport, they feel secure.
    • Having such person, the world finds its mentor.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 11 (Part 1)

    The Six Distortions Of Love

    • Love has six distortions:
      • Expectation (can manifests in other forms like lust, desire)
      • Anger
      • Greed
      • Arrogance
      • Jealousy
      • Pride
    • In any relation you will see that these things.  You will even find these in kids. This is in nature.
    • The habit to hold on to something and to get angry when you lose that is quite natural.
    • Human life is caught up in these six distortion. And even if anyone of these come in life, you feel as if everything is lost.  Love is lost.
    • In pride you lose many opportunities; a humble person gets many opportunities.
    • Pride brings misery to the life. Jealousy makes us miserable. Anger boils you body.
    • All these distortions are due to love. If there is no love, there won't be any distortion. But if there is no love, there won't be anything.
    • So how to deal with these distortions of love?
    • Narda says: Since devotee offers all the actions to divine offer all imperfections also to divine
    • If you want to desire, desire for higher. If you want have lust, have lust for knowledge. Take pride in being devotee and in being humble. You want to be jealous in being generous. Have competition for being jealous. Direct all these distortions if and when they come to the divine because if you direct them to some person they bounce back at you. Astrology is one thing where you can direct your anger to the sun, to the moon, to the cosmos.
    • There is not action that is perfect. Every action has got some imperfection and if you pick on to imperfection there is no end to it. You will move from the misery to misery.
    • Actions can not be perfect but actor can be perfect. How can be an actor perfect - when he directs all his distortions to the divine.
    • What is perfection - when you are calm, serene, blissful.
    • Transcending the three types of love, you reach the divine love.
    • There are two ways to express the divine love:
      • Master servant relationship: there is respect, there is some distance
      • Companionship: there is love, no distance
    • When there is both love and respect relation lasts longer.
    • The love that blossom beyond three gunas that is so complete because it has respect (of master servant) and love (companionship).
    • Remember that you are servant of divine. You are here to carry his message. And you are his beloved.
    • Share everything with divine. Anyway there is nothing different from the divine. Sharing is dynamism of love. Sharing is love in action.
    • A devotee rejoices in being with himself. When you have found love in yourself you don't feel lonely, you don’t look for partners. Not that you dislike partners; but if you are together you are there to share something.
    • Boredom simply mean you can not rejoice your company and if you can't rejoice your own company, remember no body can rejoice your company. And when you are fountain of joy, you radiate it and everybody will love your company.
    • The existence is ocean of joy, you be the river that joins the ocean.
    • Devotion is your nature. You don't have to cultivate it. It is already there. You have to simply recognize that it is there.
    • You can not do anything to invoke love in yourself. It is already there, relax.
    • Some thing you do by doing and some things you do by not doing and love is that (of later type).
    • Meditation is spontaneous happening; when you are at ease with self, meditation itself happens. You need not to go to forest to do this. Wherever you are just be in core, be in touch with that center.

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 10

    Love Is Supreme

    • Anxiety hampers the growth
    • Planning creates anxiety not just the worry and we are worried about how to handle the success.
    • Every anxiety simply mean that you are not confident and you don’t know the self; you don’t have trust on nature. A devotee doesn't have this problem because he belongs to divine. He knows that divine will takes care.
    • This is advantage of love; it takes anxiety,  worry away from him.
    • Anxiety kills us; it is worse than death.
    • What are you anxious about?
    • Three main types of worries:
      • Money
      • Enlightenment (very few people are worried about it)
      • Your prestige, fame
    • The worry that you would lose prestige or fame creates anxiety. Anxiety is contrary to love, contrary to surrender, contrary to devotion.
    • The nature is taking care of you. Nature takes care; divine takes care. Remember you are the child of a very rich person. Why do you roam in streets like beggar? You have to just order. You own big empire.
    • All the small loses that you have in the life are to gain something big - just turn back and see. Every unpleasant moment has made you stronger, deeper and more powerful
    • Narda says: When some lose occurs in the world don't worry about that. Because you offer everything to divine and divine will take care. Every apparent loss is to gain something big.
    • People lose their character to amass wealth; what is that for?
    • Love is supreme and gaining that love in life everything else comes to you. Your righteousness to hold that will uplift you.
    • When love matures in you, everything comes to you.
    • Keep working without being anxious about results. Till that maturity happens in you, don’t drop your work, keep doing your work.
    • It might take some time to realize that but till that time don’t ignore your worldly activities, duties. Drop the expectations and keep doing.
    • The anxiety about progress can itself be hindrance for the progress.
    • Every event in the life has its own time to give fruits. Keep working. Don't be anxious. Anxiety kills love and love destroys all the negativity. So take the side of love and offer everything. Because when you offer, worries don't touch you. Even if they come they just move like a passing cloud.
    • But how to do it? Do not discuss or encourage talks about following things:
      • Sex
        • Talking all the time about sex - what does it do? It just boil or rather roast your head. Young people look old.
        • Nothing wrong in sex but thinking about sex all the time makes you dull and boring. All intelligence is lost; love is lost.
      • Money
        • Keep the money in wallet or in mind but not in your mind. When you think of money all the time you create inertia around yourself. There is nothing wrong with money, money should not be blamed, it is sacred but thinking about money all the time doesn't make you sacred. It makes you dull. Money is means not the goal. A devotee has the faith that whatever is need will come to you.
      • Atheist
        • Don’t discuss about those who don't believe in God. When you see that a non believer prospering your believer mind starts questioning. A non-believer might not be non-believer at heart or his growth might just be short lived.
      • Enemy
    • The two main means to start the scandals are: sex and money.
    • 'Arrogance' and 'Showoff' are another two hindrances in the way of growth. There is nothing wrong in having wealth but taking pride in that destroys the subtle feeling of love, the thing we are. Don't take pride. Nothing here belongs to you, you are just a custodian.
    • Aggression inhibits/destroys love, submission, generosity and service awakens the love.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 9 (Part 2)

    Love Needs No Proof

    • There are two aspects in life
      • To learn
      • To like
    • To learn requires time but we don't require time to like something; one requires effort other is effortless.
    • Same way knowledge might require some effort; at least you have to be alert to grasp the knowledge. Intuition is effortless.
    • Love requires no time; an action requires more time than knowing but love requires no time.
    • Narda says: it is so easy to be in love; being in love might appear difficult but life without love is even more difficult.
    • Similarly people say that accepting someone is difficult but see if not accepting is easier…:)
    • It is easy to accept people because it brings comport to your mind; chose the easiest path…:)
    • At times what appears to be easy might not be easy; so don’t accept it on face value go deeper and find.
    • Life needs both like and learning and whatever you like, learning becomes easier and spontaneous. When love is there even learning becomes easier.
    • Love is lacking in life that's why we don't learn anything in life. And when love is there, it makes everything easy.
    • Mind goes only where there is love. Your mind goes to a movies because you love it…:) Don't blame poor mind…:)
    • Make divine your valentine and mind will always go there;  meditation will become effortless; three is no need to prayer if love is there.
    • Wake up and see you are thirsty. Love is the easiest path.
    • There is no need of any other proof. Do you need a proof that you are thirsty? The fact that you are thirsty is itself a proof.
    • Love itself is a proof. Wherever there is love it is self evident. You don't require a proof.
    • For certain question it is best to give 'No' answer…:)
    • If someone can not see the light in front what is the point in explaining because for a blind man any amount of explanation will be waste.
    • Certain questions can not be answered.
    • If someone has love in heart it pours out from our being; from
    • But you need to be sensitive to feel that, to experience that love.
    • Feeling and experience need no proof; love needs no proof.
    • You can hide hatred to some extent but you can not hide love. Love becomes more evident.
    • What is the form of love:
      • Narda says: It is peace; it is serenity. Divine love spreads the bliss. The peace and bliss that surround the enlightened, the devotee, the one who is in love is itself the proof.
    • Divine love spreads the peace, not the feverishness. One with divine love radiates contentment.
    • Don't think love is all the time crying..."oh I can't live without you etc..". Love is not just an emotion. Love is not just an emotional drama.
    • We get carried away with all the emotional junk. There is nothing wrong to be emotional. But the higher form of the love is of the nature of peace. All the drama in relationship is to get the attention of partner. And all the melodrama is to attain love.
    • There is no seeking, wanting, lacking in divine love.
    • It is steady and content; a pleasant blissful vibration spreads all around.
    • Even firm actions can be part of love eg even scolding can come out of love and bliss. in fact it shows that how deep the love is.
    • Don’t depend on external expression of love. We have to experience the love through heart not through head.

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 9 (Part 1)

    Attaining Divine Love

    • Whatever we are that is what we project; if you feel good within, you find everything is good and if you are upset, you find that the whole world is upside down.
    • People with same tendency group together. A disgruntle person can not sit with a happy person. So when some one doesn't shake hand with your negativity, you feel that they don't understand you. And you project what you feel.
    • Attaining THAT (divine love) you see only THAT (divine love) , talk only THAT (divine love). What you have attained is what you see, what you speak and what you think.
    • Observe yourself, observe thoughts. Just wake up and see what have you been thinking, what have been dwelling upon.
    • As you see, so is your creation. You project yourself into this world; you project yourself into other people, other people's thoughts, mind.
    • Attaining divine love you see that divine love in everything. This creation loves you. Every phenomenon express that love.
    • Attaining love you thank even worst enemy because you see that he is bringing strength in you; he is bringing up virtues in you.
    • See good intention behind every mistake and you will see that mistake will not a botheration for you. When you see good intention behind others' mistake, you feel compassion. The mistake doesn't stand when intention is right.
    • There are three types of secondary love (non-divine love, as divine love is beyond all this):
      • Satvik: love that creates harmony; which brings peace, knowledge and belongingness . A love that is unconditional and doesn't look like business.
      • Rajsik: Love that brings great excitement and then great depression. This creates feverishness in activity and you are even unable to contain the joy in rajsik love. It brings momentary joy and then sorrow. Short term joy and long term misery - rajsik love.
      • Tamsik: Love that creates hatred or misery for oneself or for others. Eg. Terrorists; they love ideals but they don't love people. But such love creates hatred and misery.
    • There are four different types of people who seek love:
      • Those who are miserable
      • Those who are seeking some meaning in life - those who are seeking something higher in life they form a group
      • Those who are seeking wealth or comfort - those who are greedy they form a group
      • Those who are knowledgeable - those who are wise they form a group
    • The goal of knowledge is to attain love; what is the use of knowledge that doesn't bring peace, love, the juice in life.
    • Knowledgeable one is better than one who is seeking which indeed is better than the one who is greedy which in tern is better than the miserable one.
    • Miserable one doesn't listen. He has closed his door. He doesn't allow knowledge to flow and starts enjoying misery.
    • Knowledgeable one is much better than others because he is closest to the source.
    • Our entire life is an expression of love. Whether anger, greed, jealousy, frustration etc - these all are distortions of love.
    • Our entire life is an expression of love. Life is very complex but love is very simple. Understanding life is even more complex.
    • Sutra - a thread that keeps us grounded yet enables us to fly high in the sky. Thread between inner abstract of life and outer concrete of reality.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 8

    Love Can Not Be Expressed

    • If there is something in this universe that can not be described or defined it is love.
    • If is far from truth. You can only touch the surface.
    • Love can not be described; can not be expressed in words. All attempts to describe love have failed and that's good because if it doesn't fail it is not love…:)
    • A million words can not describe what a glance can convey; a million glance can not describe what a moment of silence can convey; and love is even beyond the silence.
    • Love wants to express things in an unique manner. Failure to express love leads to feverishness.
    • Love can not be expressed so it try to find the expression in so many ways, so many forms.
    • Just like a person who can not talk tries to express the taste of some delicious thing, one who have tasted the love tries to express it but you can not.
    • It shines through here and there through some vessels. Every living being is a vessel. But vessels are translucent or opaque.
    • Every creature on this planet has capacity to love. Love is present in every particle of this creation but it shines here and there at some rare places. Every vessels have same light but only transparent ones shine.
    • Never look down even on a criminal; you don't know when the God in him wakes up. You don't know when the vessel turns transparent. Don't look down on anyone.
    • You haven't honored anybody if you have honored only wise. Honoring a wise person is no big deal as you don't have any choice.
    • There are three types of love:
      • Satvik: that doesn't expect any return
      • Rajsik: has feverishness and desires to get something in-return
      • Tamsik: the love to destroy something
    But divine love is free from all these three. It is beyond attributes.
    • If you love someone due to their attributes, what happens when attributes change or diminish?
    • Love for someone because they are -  not due to the qualities or attributes - is divine love.
    • "I love because…" is problem.
    • Divine love:
      • Is beyond attributes
      • No hooks or strings attached
      • Grows every moment; never diminishes (you will never be bored in the company of wise person; every moment you spend it becomes deeper and deeper)
      • Never breaks (beyond breakups)
      • So refine, so subtle (anything that is subtle can not be fully expressed) but can be experienced - people say that no one understands but if every one understand you, you haven't lived a life deep enough. You have lived a shallow life. Have you yourself understood yourself? If you haven't understood yourself, how can you expect others to understand you.
      • Uninterrupted; without holes or flaws; it is in continuum.
    • As Sun is not affected by clouds not even by eclipse, you are that unconditional love. Love is your nature. Meditation is immersing in that nature. How can it be boring? If it is boring then you have changed the definition of love.
    • Boredom is lack of juice and love is juice of life but both have something in common - repetition. That is the point in Japa - you keep on repeting and boredom transforms into love.
    • Love is juice of life and you are that.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 7

    Crossing the Ocean of Misery

    • Human mind can not contain either joy or misery, can not just hold and remain
    • In good company you sit and talk you feel light as if there is no problem at all.
    • Bad company doesn't let love blossom in heart.
    • Narada says: we all should shun bad company. We all should shun the bad company. Company is something with which
    • Don't shun bad people otherwise there will be polarity on the planet. No person is bad; moods or tendencies are bad.
    • Narada doesn't say that you hate bad people but just don't shake hand with their state of mind.
    • Bad company brings in desires. Company creates competition. Compassion creates cooperation. When you feel compassion you would like to do something for them.
    • Bad company creates desires, anger, delusion, mind is lost, intellect is lost, greed grips the mind and forgetfulness of purpose of life will happen.
    • A person who is angry or agitated, it is useless to argue with them because they have lost their intellect and they have lost their awareness.
    • In bad company, in beginning it might just be like a ripple but long run it would be like ocean of misery, a tornado.
    • The company of wise is hard to get.
    • When someone agrees to your negativity you feel they understand you. Rare are those who will take the courage to refute the negativity.
    • One who keeps with his own company for a while; one who keeps the company of wise, enlightened he becomes free.
    • People don’t have time to reflect about themselves. Have you ever taken time so as heart moves to its source?
    • Basis of Buddha's heart sutra: every thing is empty; mind it empty.
    • Ego takes away the naturalness away from you. "I should be like that" - takes away naturalness, simplicity from you.
    • All that can be measured is Maya. Measurement is relative - things measure different here on earth and different on moon. Go beyond to that reality of your existence that is immeasurable. Move away from the identities. So all these senses are maya. Because everything here can be measured - the whole world is maya.
    • Technique to get depressed: what about me,  what will happen to me
    • Freedom is when you stop worrying about your self; bondage is when you keep worrying about your self.
    • Love dissolves ego; simplicity dissolves ego; naturalness dissolves ego; craziness dissolves ego. If you can't love at least be crazy…:)
    • When you are too worried about freedom, love can not dawn.
    • Craving indicates poverty. Craving for freedom or fear of losing indicates lack of knowledge, lack of divine love.
    • Solutions to cross the ocean of misery:
    • First solution - Those who serve great saints, sages, people, they get the freedom.
    • Now what if you don’t get to serve saints (because it comes only by grace) - second solution - go in some seclusion, take time off and be by yourself; drop all your concerns that you have about what people will think about you
    • You have any problem, take time off and be with yourself.
    • An unanswered question gets fermented in mind and becomes violence.
    • Main philosophy to put someone in jail is to get them back to themselves.
    • But seclusion with planning and worries mind is of no use.
    • Behind all the actions there are only two things:
      • Either maintain what you already have
      • Or to get what you don’t have
    • One hour of worry is equal to eight hours of hard work.
    • No need to worry; one who has the trust knows that all that you need will be provided.
    • And what is that you need to maintain; how long will you maintain.
    • In silence you transcends the qualities; transcends the knowledge.
    • A time when one is not worried about acquiring anything or maintaining anything that kind of seclusion will take you away from ocean of misery.
    • What if even that is not possible - third solution - drop the fruit of action; neither be regret or rejoice in outcome.
    • Holding on to the fruit of action either brings regret or brings anxiety before it comes. This is often interpreted as dropping of all actions - NO. Drop the fruits of actions.
    • If you can be centered to your actions, there is nothing that is required to be centered.
    • So if you centered, calm, serene doing all the activities
    • One who drops all the knowledge he attains absolute love, intoxicated love. Because thinking keeps you separate; celebration is merger. When reason doesn't hold, laughter happens. Intellect doesn't allow you to celebrate. Laughter makes you transcends intellect. Celebration makes you transcends intellect. But to drop something you have to first have it...:)
    • Such a person crosses the ocean of misery and helps others to cross. If you are free you can help others but if you are not free yourself how can you help others.
    • Child is like a Sadguru; child will give you all the knowledge that you need. And Sadguru is like a child.
    • There are five signs of a Sadguru:
      • Sorrow or sadness will diminish
      • For no reason you become happy
      • Awareness of knowledge is protected
      • There is abundance; whatever is needed at that time, keeps coming; not that you have too much but you have feeling or sense of abundance
      • Talents arise in you; hidden talents blossom
    • To some extent all this happens around a child