- There is a cooperation between love and pain. Love and pain have very close connection.
- The first experience of life is painful; birth process is so painful.
- Second experience is that of love; child looks in the eyes of mother and other people.
- How to get to divine love? When
- Logic doesn't want melody; it doesn’t have rhythm; it is straight; at times it can mislead but heart can never mislead; the path to divine love is melodious. The means to divine love are effortless and melodious.
- Logic has rules; love doesn't know rules, it only has means.
- First Mean: first mean is to go inside; getting back to the source. Mind (in Sanskrit 'Manah')signifies going outwards; and opposite to 'Manah' (in Sanskrit) is Namah is surrender, signifies going inwards;
- The ability of senses to enjoy is limited but the desire is unlimited. All five senses have limited capacity.
- Our senses are like that horse that go round and round in circle.
- As long as you are feverish, there can not be love in life. How to be free from feverishness - move inwards; retire for sometime, come to the source. While you are enjoying through senses just be aware, observe consciously and do the action.
- Love by itself is impressionable you need not any
- To open the lid inside you have to close yourself from outside.
- Second Mean: uninterrupted bhajan; uninterrupted sharing of glory; uninterrupted singing the glory; bhajan means sharing, that is shared by everyone; uninterrupted connection.
- Don't leave any corner unshared because what ever corner you will leave unshared that will become the cause of fall. So share every thing with divinity. Let the divinity permeate every nook and corner of your life. Guilt is when you hide something from divine.
- Uninterrupted means dedicated, doesn't mean keep singing all the times…:)
- In all day-today's activities see the sacredness, the divinity. Eg if you are cooking feel as if you are cooking for divine.
- Appreciate and honor everything - see everything that you are doing is for divine.
- Honoring and things is puja.
- When you speak good about people you feel uplifted. Praising good qualities in others uplifts yourself, uplifts the same quality in you. When you speak bad about others it breaks the connection between you and divine.
- At times you have to say a wrong thing as 'wrong' but see that it is not coming from that bitter feeling inside.
- A rejoices in the good qualities of all people.
- Love makes even inanimate objects live. When we are in love, everything is alive for us. Eg. Kids consider everything lively, they elevate everything that is the language of love.
- God knows everything so why would he test you…:)
- Listen to good things.
- Pray to God (very first prayer from ancient India):
- Let my ears listen on only auspicious things
- Let my eyes watch only auspicious things
- Let me speak that unites and uplifts the people
- Let my life be for the service of God and angels.
The Means to Divine Love
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