- Human mind can not contain either joy or misery, can not just hold and remain
- In good company you sit and talk you feel light as if there is no problem at all.
- Bad company doesn't let love blossom in heart.
- Narada says: we all should shun bad company. We all should shun the bad company. Company is something with which
- Don't shun bad people otherwise there will be polarity on the planet. No person is bad; moods or tendencies are bad.
- Narada doesn't say that you hate bad people but just don't shake hand with their state of mind.
- Bad company brings in desires. Company creates competition. Compassion creates cooperation. When you feel compassion you would like to do something for them.
- Bad company creates desires, anger, delusion, mind is lost, intellect is lost, greed grips the mind and forgetfulness of purpose of life will happen.
- A person who is angry or agitated, it is useless to argue with them because they have lost their intellect and they have lost their awareness.
- In bad company, in beginning it might just be like a ripple but long run it would be like ocean of misery, a tornado.
- The company of wise is hard to get.
- When someone agrees to your negativity you feel they understand you. Rare are those who will take the courage to refute the negativity.
- One who keeps with his own company for a while; one who keeps the company of wise, enlightened he becomes free.
- People don’t have time to reflect about themselves. Have you ever taken time so as heart moves to its source?
- Basis of Buddha's heart sutra: every thing is empty; mind it empty.
- Ego takes away the naturalness away from you. "I should be like that" - takes away naturalness, simplicity from you.
- All that can be measured is Maya. Measurement is relative - things measure different here on earth and different on moon. Go beyond to that reality of your existence that is immeasurable. Move away from the identities. So all these senses are maya. Because everything here can be measured - the whole world is maya.
- Technique to get depressed: what about me, what will happen to me
- Freedom is when you stop worrying about your self; bondage is when you keep worrying about your self.
- Love dissolves ego; simplicity dissolves ego; naturalness dissolves ego; craziness dissolves ego. If you can't love at least be crazy…:)
- When you are too worried about freedom, love can not dawn.
- Craving indicates poverty. Craving for freedom or fear of losing indicates lack of knowledge, lack of divine love.
- Solutions to cross the ocean of misery:
- First solution - Those who serve great saints, sages, people, they get the freedom.
- Now what if you don’t get to serve saints (because it comes only by grace) - second solution - go in some seclusion, take time off and be by yourself; drop all your concerns that you have about what people will think about you
- You have any problem, take time off and be with yourself.
- An unanswered question gets fermented in mind and becomes violence.
- Main philosophy to put someone in jail is to get them back to themselves.
- But seclusion with planning and worries mind is of no use.
- Behind all the actions there are only two things:
- Either maintain what you already have
- Or to get what you don’t have
- One hour of worry is equal to eight hours of hard work.
- No need to worry; one who has the trust knows that all that you need will be provided.
- And what is that you need to maintain; how long will you maintain.
- In silence you transcends the qualities; transcends the knowledge.
- A time when one is not worried about acquiring anything or maintaining anything that kind of seclusion will take you away from ocean of misery.
- What if even that is not possible - third solution - drop the fruit of action; neither be regret or rejoice in outcome.
- Holding on to the fruit of action either brings regret or brings anxiety before it comes. This is often interpreted as dropping of all actions - NO. Drop the fruits of actions.
- If you can be centered to your actions, there is nothing that is required to be centered.
- So if you centered, calm, serene doing all the activities
- One who drops all the knowledge he attains absolute love, intoxicated love. Because thinking keeps you separate; celebration is merger. When reason doesn't hold, laughter happens. Intellect doesn't allow you to celebrate. Laughter makes you transcends intellect. Celebration makes you transcends intellect. But to drop something you have to first have it...:)
- Such a person crosses the ocean of misery and helps others to cross. If you are free you can help others but if you are not free yourself how can you help others.
- Child is like a Sadguru; child will give you all the knowledge that you need. And Sadguru is like a child.
- There are five signs of a Sadguru:
- Sorrow or sadness will diminish
- For no reason you become happy
- Awareness of knowledge is protected
- There is abundance; whatever is needed at that time, keeps coming; not that you have too much but you have feeling or sense of abundance
- Talents arise in you; hidden talents blossom
- To some extent all this happens around a child
Crossing the Ocean of Misery
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