Sunday, April 22, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 8

    Love Can Not Be Expressed

    • If there is something in this universe that can not be described or defined it is love.
    • If is far from truth. You can only touch the surface.
    • Love can not be described; can not be expressed in words. All attempts to describe love have failed and that's good because if it doesn't fail it is not love…:)
    • A million words can not describe what a glance can convey; a million glance can not describe what a moment of silence can convey; and love is even beyond the silence.
    • Love wants to express things in an unique manner. Failure to express love leads to feverishness.
    • Love can not be expressed so it try to find the expression in so many ways, so many forms.
    • Just like a person who can not talk tries to express the taste of some delicious thing, one who have tasted the love tries to express it but you can not.
    • It shines through here and there through some vessels. Every living being is a vessel. But vessels are translucent or opaque.
    • Every creature on this planet has capacity to love. Love is present in every particle of this creation but it shines here and there at some rare places. Every vessels have same light but only transparent ones shine.
    • Never look down even on a criminal; you don't know when the God in him wakes up. You don't know when the vessel turns transparent. Don't look down on anyone.
    • You haven't honored anybody if you have honored only wise. Honoring a wise person is no big deal as you don't have any choice.
    • There are three types of love:
      • Satvik: that doesn't expect any return
      • Rajsik: has feverishness and desires to get something in-return
      • Tamsik: the love to destroy something
    But divine love is free from all these three. It is beyond attributes.
    • If you love someone due to their attributes, what happens when attributes change or diminish?
    • Love for someone because they are -  not due to the qualities or attributes - is divine love.
    • "I love because…" is problem.
    • Divine love:
      • Is beyond attributes
      • No hooks or strings attached
      • Grows every moment; never diminishes (you will never be bored in the company of wise person; every moment you spend it becomes deeper and deeper)
      • Never breaks (beyond breakups)
      • So refine, so subtle (anything that is subtle can not be fully expressed) but can be experienced - people say that no one understands but if every one understand you, you haven't lived a life deep enough. You have lived a shallow life. Have you yourself understood yourself? If you haven't understood yourself, how can you expect others to understand you.
      • Uninterrupted; without holes or flaws; it is in continuum.
    • As Sun is not affected by clouds not even by eclipse, you are that unconditional love. Love is your nature. Meditation is immersing in that nature. How can it be boring? If it is boring then you have changed the definition of love.
    • Boredom is lack of juice and love is juice of life but both have something in common - repetition. That is the point in Japa - you keep on repeting and boredom transforms into love.
    • Love is juice of life and you are that.

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