- Anxiety hampers the growth
- Planning creates anxiety not just the worry and we are worried about how to handle the success.
- Every anxiety simply mean that you are not confident and you don’t know the self; you don’t have trust on nature. A devotee doesn't have this problem because he belongs to divine. He knows that divine will takes care.
- This is advantage of love; it takes anxiety, worry away from him.
- Anxiety kills us; it is worse than death.
- What are you anxious about?
- Three main types of worries:
- Money
- Enlightenment (very few people are worried about it)
- Your prestige, fame
- The worry that you would lose prestige or fame creates anxiety. Anxiety is contrary to love, contrary to surrender, contrary to devotion.
- The nature is taking care of you. Nature takes care; divine takes care. Remember you are the child of a very rich person. Why do you roam in streets like beggar? You have to just order. You own big empire.
- All the small loses that you have in the life are to gain something big - just turn back and see. Every unpleasant moment has made you stronger, deeper and more powerful
- Narda says: When some lose occurs in the world don't worry about that. Because you offer everything to divine and divine will take care. Every apparent loss is to gain something big.
- People lose their character to amass wealth; what is that for?
- Love is supreme and gaining that love in life everything else comes to you. Your righteousness to hold that will uplift you.
- When love matures in you, everything comes to you.
- Keep working without being anxious about results. Till that maturity happens in you, don’t drop your work, keep doing your work.
- It might take some time to realize that but till that time don’t ignore your worldly activities, duties. Drop the expectations and keep doing.
- The anxiety about progress can itself be hindrance for the progress.
- Every event in the life has its own time to give fruits. Keep working. Don't be anxious. Anxiety kills love and love destroys all the negativity. So take the side of love and offer everything. Because when you offer, worries don't touch you. Even if they come they just move like a passing cloud.
- But how to do it? Do not discuss or encourage talks about following things:
- Sex
- Talking all the time about sex - what does it do? It just boil or rather roast your head. Young people look old.
- Nothing wrong in sex but thinking about sex all the time makes you dull and boring. All intelligence is lost; love is lost.
- Money
- Keep the money in wallet or in mind but not in your mind. When you think of money all the time you create inertia around yourself. There is nothing wrong with money, money should not be blamed, it is sacred but thinking about money all the time doesn't make you sacred. It makes you dull. Money is means not the goal. A devotee has the faith that whatever is need will come to you.
- Atheist
- Don’t discuss about those who don't believe in God. When you see that a non believer prospering your believer mind starts questioning. A non-believer might not be non-believer at heart or his growth might just be short lived.
- Enemy
- The two main means to start the scandals are: sex and money.
- 'Arrogance' and 'Showoff' are another two hindrances in the way of growth. There is nothing wrong in having wealth but taking pride in that destroys the subtle feeling of love, the thing we are. Don't take pride. Nothing here belongs to you, you are just a custodian.
- Aggression inhibits/destroys love, submission, generosity and service awakens the love.
Love Is Supreme
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