Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutras - Day 1 (Part 1)

The Love That Does Not Die

  1. Our lives revolve around love. The origin of life is love, the goal of life is also love.
  2. Love is the aim of life yet the seeking for love that brings freedom, that brings comfort, is ongoing.
  3. All the problems of life also come from love - greed, jealousy, frustration - all these negative emotions come with love; all these are distorted forms of love.
  4. Mankind is seeking love that doesn’t have these distortion - that is soothing and relaxing.
  5. The centre of life is love but yet we seem to be so far away from the center ; what can connect us to the center; what can bring us to the center - this quest is ongoing.
  6. You need some thread to connect; something to hold on that raises the hope in the life, that makes you feel lighter.
  7. That something that is missing in life and that can transform from misery to celebration and that can turn tears of sorrow to tears of joy - that thread is needed. Such thread is called Sutra.
  8. Narda means that connect you to the source; one who is in center and also in circumference.
  9. Most of us stay in circumference, we remain in exterior - there is no depth, progress in life and then some are just in the center and so away from the practical reality of the life. Wisdom is that makes possible to live high ideals in daily life, in the mundane existence.
  10. Life is not a struggle; life is a celebration; life is a play and display of consciousness.
  11. Bhakati is love in its ultimate form, love at its pinnacle.
  12. There are different types of love - the expression and flavor, modes of love are different; the pinnacle of love where all these forms culminate is called bhakati. That which is common between God and man is Bhakati. Love that you share with the whole creation - that is bhakati.
  13. Love is not just an emotion. Of course there is love behind every emotions. You love perfection, so you are angry at imperfection; you love objects so you are greedy; you love someone for yourself then you are jealous.
  14. Is there a love that has wisdom in it? that which elevates you? - that is Bhakati.
  15. An emotion can not be expressed but the core/origin of an emotion can be expressed - but sages do that is impossible. So Narda starts explaining Bhakati.
  16. You can not express emotion with words, gestures so how will you express something that is so vast, deep and huge? Narada is attempting to express it.
  17. The goal of our life is to seek love. What good is that enlightenment that doesn't have love and if there is love who cares for enlightenment :). In fact the word 'enlightenment' itself means the unconditional love; love that doesn't die.
  18. We are born out of love. It is all about getting back to the source.
  19. Sa Tvasmin Param Prem Roopa, Amrit Swaroopa Cha!
  20. Yallabdhva Puman Siddho Bhavati, Amrito Bhavati, Tripto Bhavati!!
  21. You can only know something by something that you already know; the journey can happen only from known to unknown; not from unknown to unknown.
  22. There is no way to explain you something that is not of the same category. You know something about love. We all have experienced that love. Bhakati is love in IT, in HIM, in the divine.
  23. Bhakati that is common between people and gods. Love that does not die; that grows with every second; that never vanishes. Immortal is its nature. Timelessness is its quality.
  24. Attaining which perfection comes in life.
  25. There are three types of perfection:
    • Perfection in action
    • Perfection in speech
    • Perfection in feelings
  26. When such love (Bhakati) dawns all perfection comes in life. You don't see imperfections when that love is there. Creation  moves from one perfection to another perfection when such love is there.
  27. People say that love hurts; it makes you vulnerable; it is the knowledge of bhakati that gives you strength. It allows you to be loving yet strong; allows you to be supple yet non-vulnerable, delicate yet immortal/ strong.
  28. It is that love that brings you such a fulfillment that can not be obtained from anything else.
  29. Can knowledge bring you that fulfillment - no; knowledge can only prepare you to dive in ocean. Knowledge is like soap that washes the dirt but love is the purity in the garment.
  30. Like body is made of amino acids, carbohydrates etc, the sprit in you is made of love and that is undying, immortal.
  31. The whole purpose in life is to realize that you are immortal. You are fulfillment; where are you looking for the fulfillment.

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